Climate Change Engineered®
Climate change is one of the most prevalent risks facing the world right now.
Baird helps you address the challenges brought by Climate Change
Here's how Baird can help you

Baird has worked exclusively in the land-water interface in river, estuary, coastal, and marine environments for nearly forty years.

We are scientists, engineers and designers and we help our clients understand their future climate risk to make the right investments today.

Through a cross-sector, global approach, we help them unlock short-term gains and achieve longer-term resiliency.
Risk, vulnerability, and uncertainty analysis for communities, cities, and infrastructure
Alternative energy, urban green and grey infrastructure, and climate adaptive development approaches
River and coastal, storm, and catastrophic weather extremes analysis, modeling, and design of flood control structures
Hydraulic and hydrological services including watershed, riverine modeling and complete water cycle analysis
GIS, data analytics and machine learning, including open source data and technologies
CapEx and OpEx cost estimating and material liability forecasting
Marine spatial planning, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, and coastal resiliency projects
Great Lakes watershed, river and lake modeling, including ice cover retreat
A Holistic Approach For Specialized Solutions
We believe in empowering our clients and partners to think beyond their immediate concerns to discover a transformative solution that harmonizes with existing natural systems. By balancing science, engineering and ecosystem restoration, we create feasible and practical solutions that are specific to every region and scale. Our holistic approach is based on finding opportunities to reduce climate risk through data-smart methods and the willingness to challenge assumptions by asking the right questions. Together with our clients and partners, we envision what is possible and translate that strategy into solutions for people, businesses, and destinations.
Deciding now, whether and how to adapt activities and systems at various scales, requires a partner with the right mix of data, curiosity, vision, and experience to translate opportunities into resilient solutions.